Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Student Success Statement: John Wooden

" What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."- John Wooden
 The significance of this quote by John Wooden is very simple yet very wise and true. This quote reveals that however you are or whatever you are as a person is important. It doesn't matter that your rich or live in a nice house or come from a wealthy family. What matters is that you are a good person and you show respect to other people. You are respectful to other people and yourself. You are a person who believes in him/herself and believes in other people. You don't care about how well known you are or if anyone knows you. It doesn't matter that you are a basketball player and your wealthy and have a nice house, car, and have everything you want, if you have a bad personality. It matters that you are a good person and that is what is important not the things you do. Yes you can be a basketball player and be a great athlete but what you are is way more important than what you do. You are a regular person like everyone else, but you also happen to be a person that plays a sport. A person that is two things but is the same.
Image result for john wooden

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