What I think this quotes significance is to tell us that it all depends on a persons actions. It tells us that we choose who we get to be, a good person out of ourselves or a bad person out of ourselves. It is our choice if we want to make our names out of a joke. We are the one's to decide if we do the right thing, and be a respectful person or we treat others in a rude way. If you want to be known as a person that is respectful and honest, we have to act like it. We are not going to get nowhere in life if we cheat our way through it. We will not learn anything if we don't try ourselves. We are not going to cheat our way through life and learn just by cheating, we need to challenge ourselves to be able to learn on our own. We need to put ourselves out into the world and learn from our mistakes and do what is right for yourself and for others. We have a choice to be known as a person that is good and kind or honest and tries hard to do the right thing, or be the bad person. We disrespect our parents or siblings, we talk back to other people and never do anything.

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